Saturday, April 16, 2011

daddies don't just love their children every now and then...

When I hear the word "Daddy" I think of my dad. He worked hard for everything he's ever had, he gave my brother and I a wonderful life, he's been there for me through thick and thin, and he's the most amazing man in my life. I set high standards for who I would marry and have children with. When I was younger, you had to prove a lot to me in order to date me and if my daddy didn't like you, it most definitely wouldn't have worked out haha. I met my husband in September of 2006. We were immediately joined at the hip and I knew he would be who I spent the rest of my life with. I knew this all because of the way he was with his first born son. Yes, I am a step-mom to an amazing little boy who is almost six years old and is as handsome as his daddy :) His name is Hayden and he lives in Tennessee and since the Army has became a part of our life and he's started school we rarely see him. This isn't going to get into a post about how much I dislike his mom lol although, I could go on and on... I will just say, my husband loves both of his babies more than anything in this world, and he is an AMAZING father. I wouldn't accept anything less than that with how I was raised by mine. My child deserves a daddy like I have... and he most definitely has that! I love sitting in the other room while I hear them wrestling upstairs, or watching them play outside from the window. I love that he has a new hobby of fixing power wheels up to look so cool for his son. When Cameron was born, you could not have met a prouder parent then him. He is the absolute joy of our lives... Chris wanted a girl so bad, but I know that he wouldn't have it any other way. The first four months of Cam's life was a little scary... he had RSV and was in the hospital and on breathing treatments a lot. He had colic and was not a good sleeper, and I can honestly say that we equally cared for our son, we took turns with feeding and rocking while the other slept... he was so good with our son that I honestly was scared to death that I wouldn't be able to do it on my own when he left for basic! Cameron was four and a half months old when Chris left. I never experienced a deployment while he was in the army, but I experienced the being alone, and the crying the first time Cameron said dada to a PICTURE of his daddy. I cried at his graduation when his baby was scared of him... scared of the man who took such good care of him and loves him with his whole heart. I don't know "worry" like wives of deployed husbands- but I know the ache that they get when their husband's miss birthday's & holiday's. My little boy didn't see his daddy on his first birthday because he was in AIT. Chris was gone from June 08 thru March of 09! That's 9 months... he came back to a 14 month old toddler! Who spoke sentences, because he learned to talk at such a young age. When we moved to Ft Hood, he was attatched to his daddy like crazy! They are best friends... even Cam will tell him "Your my best Dad" :) He changes diapers, deals with fits, makes him lunch, gets him snacks, buys him toys, plays guns, wrestles, hugs, kisses and loves his little man with everything he has... and I know that no matter what happens to us that he will always have his daddy. I am also proud to say that I know that he needs him... there is no reason that a woman should keep their child away from their dad. If they want to be there, whether they pay child support or whatever- LET THEM BE THERE!! If the child has the oppurtunity to have BOTH parents in their life, whether the parents like each other or not, don't deprive them of that. It's selfish and hurtful. Stepping down from my soap box now ;)

xo Jen

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